Thursday, 22 March 2012

The A to Z of Me and a Broken Foot: Part 3

Thankfully, my operation last Friday actually happened and here I am, out the other side and alive! There is still along way to go but I feel like my straight jacket has been loosened slightly. I intend to blog about the operation experience later on. (Mainly because if I do it all at once, I will run out of things to blog about and have to drag out the one that I have written in reserve about how I am loosing my mind with boredom)
Therefore, for your enjoyment is the third and final part of The A to Z of Me and a Broken Foot.
Enjoy and forward to others if you have liked this so far x

S is for Steps
Sherlock Holmes had Moriati, Superman had Lex Luther, Luke Skywalker had Darth Vadar. All these characters had their own nemesis. Well, my nemesis has been steps. No, not the dreadful 90's British pop group (that I will not really admit to having their greatest hits!) but real up and down going steps. They can be big, small, step, narrow, concrete or carpeted. Whatever type they are, they are evil. When I looked up the word 'nemesis', I discovered a comic book character with that name and found that, 'Nemesis has one simple goal; Make the lives of the best cops a hellish nightmare.' Steps do this this to anyone who is 'broken'. A hellish nightmare! Tackling steps almost seems an impossibility and I often stand staring at them for a long time as if I was expecting a Stannah Stairlift to miraculously appear on them. Needless to say, it never does. Boo to steps. Bring on the bungalow!

T is for Twitter
During the past 140 days I discovered Twitter. I never really 'got it' before but now I do and I love it. It keeps me up to date with world events so I don't have to depress myself watching the news everyday. It also makes me laugh, teaches me new things as well as gets me in contact with new people. A big shout out to any one who can be bothered to follow me but especially to Joe, Christine, Beck, Kate and June. They are all 'broken' people at different stages of recovery who I have been 'talking' to. We share stories and I feel that these guys have really helped me along the way. Joe said something not so long back that he felt that, apart from the person he lived with, it felt like the only people who exist in the world are people on Twitter as he had little contact with anyone else. That is truly how it feels so, as sad as it seems, my life would be even more dull without Twitter.

U is for Under the weather
Having a few episodes of feeling under the weather, on top of having a broken foot was like being tortured. I think I would rather have everyone one of my teeth extracted than feel ill in addition to being visited by the Foot of Doom. On this note, all I can say is if you want to complain to me about your snivelling nose or the spot on your chin, you do so at your own risk!

V is for Vampire
Simple fact, I am one! No, I am not one of those who dresses like a goth all the time and really believes that they are one because they have a fixation with Robert Pattinson. (My fixation with Robert Pattinson is perfectly healthy, honest!) However, my skin has always been quite pale but after over 4 months of very little sunlight, it is so pasty white that I reckon Dracula might want me for a girlfriend. Last week, it was a lovely day outside and I wanted to sit out in it. It took me 15 minutes to drag a chair to the front door and as I sat on the pavement, I did think that if I was playing a musical instrument, I would have looked like a beggar. But I did not care. Basking in the sun, I really enjoyed myself as people walked past me and gave a sneaky stare and dogs sniffed at my legs. However, when I went inside 45 minutes later, my hands and arms had developed a heat rash similar to the one I experienced in Turkey when it was 30 degrees. It's true; a broken foot has turned me into a vampire.
Nick and Me?

W is for Wheelchair
When you think of a wheelchair, freedom isn't one of the words that also springs to mind. However, my wheels have allowed me a few outings, mainly to the supermarket, but nonetheless they have prevented me from becoming a total hermit. It has also provided entertainment for small children who seem to think it is a climbing frame as well as giving enjoyment to friends who like to compare me to a 'Little Britain' character. The less said about that, the better!

X is X-ray
Having a few of these now has not got boring but I am still especially proud of my X-ray that shows the metal work that was in my foot (until the last operation).

Y is Yawning
There seems to be a lot of yawning going on at the moment. If I'm not yawning because I am tired from vigorous activity like trying to make a cup of tea, I am yawning because I am bored. It's a wonder that I have not developed lock-jaw. Also, I reckon that when anyone finishes talking to me, they are yawning from listening to 'Tales of the Foot of Doom.' Can't say I blame them. Had I mentioned that I was bored too?
Z is Zumba
Zumba- simple as, it's not happening! :)

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