Monday, 12 March 2012

The A to Z of Me and a Broken Foot: Part 1

Major set back today. My operation that was due today, to have screws from my foot removed, was cancelled this morning due to lack of beds. After a bad nights sleep, worrying and fasting, devastated is putting it mildly. I won't go into detail because I have to move on from this so have decided to write something else. Reading a magazine today, I came across an article called, " the A to Z of you". On another day, this may have made me laugh but today all I could see was 'D is for Dancing, K is for Killer Heels'. Next, hitting my eyeline was; A for Ambition, E for Ethical, P for Portfolio Careers'. Erm...vomitous! Do you catch my drift? I began to think about my own A to Z, so here is: The A to Z of ME and a Broken Foot.

A is for Arse
Arse, ass or however you like to put it, mine is a major part of me! Not only do I spend copious amounts of time sat on it, it has changed. One side is rather ample but relatively sturdy whilst the other side resembles a big bag of jelly. Not normal!

B is for Bag
Carrying anything in my hands is impossible as I need t o hang onto crutches, so I wear a handbag around the house across my chest like an 80s mum, dancing at a wedding. Very attractive

C is for Crutches
My life line but it took about a month to stop them aching my arms and hands. If you have never used crutches, don't ever comment about them until you have tried some. My dad tried after thinking it would be easy and he managed 3 steps before saying his arms hurt. Oh yes, and try them in the rain too!

D is for Dead Skin
With the amount of dead skin that came off my foot and leg, when the pot came off, I could have probably reconstructed it to form a pair of very pink, rubbery wellies.

E is for Excitement
These days, excitement comes in very small packages! The postman, a text message, the cleaner or even discovering a new 'Come Dine With Me' style programme that I have not seen before. Even the good old celebrity gardener, Alan Titchmarsh is playing his part! It's all sounding a bit tragic now.

F is for Friends & Family
Having a broken foot certainly proves who your friends are. There are some people who I thought cared but have not been there when I needed them. However, thankfully, I have also found that I have some fantastic friends and family who really care and have gone out of their way for me. Thanks everyone x

G is for Giant or Go-go Gadget.
To reach a lot of things in the house without having an accident, I either need to be giant or grow some 'Go-Go Gadget-Arms'! I really want some!

H is for Hospital
Apart from Asda, the hospital is the where I know seem to spend my social life. It's that bad that I even recognise injured people that were there at the same time as me! I am like a stalker for the injured. My life is just a social whirlwind!

I is for Injuries
Aside from the obvious injured foot, I have also had a variety of 'broken foot related injuries'. These are mainly somehow linked to falling over. However, my latest classics are;1) Missing the chair in the bathroom and landing on my un-booted, broken foot putting full weight on my toes and nothing else.(Yes, it really hurt). 2) Bashing my toes on my crutches causing my little toe to bleed, alot! 3) Head butting my front door when I was trying to shut it.
I think the NHS needs to open a hospital just for me and my injuries.

J is for Jumble Sale
Judging by the amount of things I have managed to accumulate to help me with my broken footedness, I may have to hold a jumble sale. Amongst many things, including a sharps bin, an arm chair work out DVD, a wheel chair, a foot spa, resistance exercise bands, flexible ice packs, decorated wheelchair gloves, 2 pairs of crutches and a shower cast cover, you will also find a very large selection of odd socks. (I keep finding them everywhere)

K is for Kitchen - a place of danger
My broken foot has altered me back to the mind set of a child where I think that the kitchen is a dangerous place. Nearly all of my accident (apart from the toilet related ones!) have happened in the kitchen. Maybe I should stay out of there.

L is for Lonely
Being 'broken' can get really lonely. During the day last week, I saw 5 people the whole time. Nick, the cleaner, my mum and 2 sofa delivery men. Like I said, a social whirlwind!

L is for Lisfranc
Yes, I know. An extra 'L' but this is the name of the type of fracture I have. As per usual, I don't like to do things by halves and if you look it up, you will find it is quite complicated!

That's the end of part 1 so part 2 to come later. See if you can think of any others for me!

1 comment:

  1. I think I know what T will be for :)
    Cant wait for your part 2!
