Sunday, 29 January 2012

Broken Foot and patience being a virtue (or something like that)

According to proverbs, 'patience is a virtue.' After sat here thinking about how patient I am being, I started wondering what the phrase actually means and have decided that I must be full of virtue! Apparently a virtue is  'behaviour showing high moral standards'. If that is the case, send some wings and a halo for me and my high moral standards!

Patience, patience, patience. People keep on saying be patient, it will be over soon. Be patient, you will be walking before you know it. Working with children all day has led me to be patient in some areas of life but 'The 'Foot of Doom' has really put me to the test. For the past 87 days I have been very patient. If you look up 'patience' in the next dictionary that you buy, you may find a picture of me right next to the word. I am the epitome of patience. You know what? I am sick of being patient!
3 hours of work. Was it worth it?
 I feel that the more that this goes on, I seem to spend all my time being patient waiting for something. During the day, I sit waiting for the post-man, the phone to ring, facebook to update, Nick to come home or something decent to come on T.V. On a day where I know that I am due a visitor, it is like waiting for Christmas day to come! Yesterday, I spent 3 hours sewing to produce a tiny little tapestry thing. Patience? Ha, I seem to have tons of it.
However, my patience finally wore thin with the state of the house. Nick really does his best but it feels like he goes to work and then comes home to me who requests (or demands) things for him to do to clean up the house. Caving in the other week, I phoned a cleaner. Now, I even sit waiting for Wednesdays to come round for my house to be cleaned and the company of having someone else in the house during the day.
Counting down the days to when my pot may finally be removed is making me quite impatient now. I can't wait to feel water on my scabby, dry foot, shave the forest of hair off my leg and even manage to walk upstairs to the toilet instead of peeing in the commode downstairs.
To all my friends and family: Please allow me to be impatient, moody and more annoying than normal for the next 21 days because I need to save my patience up for when the pot comes off and I have to learn to walk. Calling any saints to kindly donate any patience for me when this happens and anyone else that I may come in contact with!
By the way, I've had a few comments about my use of the word 'pot'. Being from the North of England, we seem to have our own language up here. For me, 'pot' is that hideous plaster thing round my leg stopping my foot from moving. However, the national or international meanings create a really pretty picture. Either my leg is stuck in container for cooking in or putting plants in and on the other hand it could be wrapped up in marijuana. Maybe the latter would restore my patience for a little while longer!


  1. Hehehe lets wrap your leg in pot ;)
    Here is my blog! I hope u like it and it helps you kill time a bit!

  2. Cheers June, Not long till your 'pot' is off! hehe
    Thanks for reading. Have read yours. Did not think anyone could look so good in airboot! x
