Maybe I watched too many science fiction films as a child? Perhaps my daily injections and doses of hideous daytime T.V are sending me mad? Whatever it is, I have convinced myself that I have been abducted by aliens or been the victim of a cruel scientific experiment.
Telling myself this, might be making me feel better about the hideous thing I have to look at everyday, and for once I am not talking about the mirror! I am almost sure that in the middle of the night I was abducted by aliens, returned to my bed but the teleporting did some odious things to my left leg.
After taking a photo of my foot and being quite disturbed by what I saw, I have taken to examining my foot in a mirror. It is one of the most disgusting things I have seen and makes me wretch almost as much as the day that one of the kids at school trampled a very large dog poo all around my classroom. Looking at my foot has put me off eating things made of flaky pastry. There is dead skin in between my toes and under my feet and it has developed in swirling patterns that look like I have been sat in the bath too long. To make matters worse, as I only discovered the grimness of my foot the other day, I realised that every time I have been sat in my wheelchair with no sock on, the poor person who am facing has been faced with the monstrosity!
Also, as I was preparing my pork chop for tea tonight, it made me think of my leg. The weirdest thing has happened to the top of it. I always thought that the top of legs were just made up of fat. I have since found out that there was once muscle under there. Due to lack of use, the muscle now seems to have wasted away so my leg is turning into a strange shape. It looks like someone had taken the fatty shrivelled sides of my pork chop and stuck them on either side of leg. It just looks wrong.
Finally, it is now 67 days since I had my first pot put on. The hair on my legs that is sticking out at the top of my pot would make me the ideal candidate to audition for a role in 'Star Wars' as a Wookie or an overgrown Ewok.
Maybe I have been the subject of a scientific experiment like on 'The Fly' but instead of my head becoming a fly's, my leg has become that of a jelly-like bear with psoriasis.
Which ever one of these it is, I would like my other leg back please. If I don't get it back then my career as a super model or athlete is well and truly over!
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