Did you know how many benefits there are from having a broken foot? Benefits, I hear you ask? Surely not. Well, here is another attempt at looking at the brighter side of misery!
Having my foot operation on Sunday has meant that I have not been able to, or felt like blogging for a while. I came out of the hospital on Monday in a right mood after no sleep and still feeling groggy from the anaesthetic and vast amounts of lovely morphine. I also came out of hospital with more metal in my foot than terminator, and boy, could I feel it! Spending 2 days wallowing in self pity, I cried on any poor unsuspecting person that came to visit me. I wasn't eating, getting up and I even.....wait for it....switched my phone off. That's how bad it was.
Yesterday, Nick came home from work and suggested that I help him with tea. (I think it was an effort to stop him having to use a crow bar to lever me out of the sofa.) As we were talking, he was laughing at me being such a pessimist (I like to prepare for the worst, then it's not a shock.) He told me about something he had heard on the radio about a blogger, with a serious illness, who had being writing a positive thought everyday. Everyday? I find that difficult once a week under normal circumstances! All I can think about it my broken foot, selfish I know, but when the highlight of your week is discovering the daily slot for 'Come Dine With Me', you can probably see how thinking about anything else may be difficult. But I thought I'd give positivity a try in relation to the Foot of Doom (Or should I rename it 'The Foot of Positivity?').
My Top Ten Positive Thoughts- the benefits of a broken foot:
1) It could be worse. I could have broken both my feet.
2) I am having an extended time off from work. (Yes, believe it or not, I would rather be at work but we are thinking positive.) I'd like to think that I have been seconded out to my sofa school.
3) Having a broken foot is helping the environment. My washing load has gone right down. Even if I wear socks, I only wear one at a time therefore halves my sock washing load. Less detergents sent out to sea.
4) I am also helping the environment by using less water. Very rarely do I waste gallons of water flushing the toilet. Mainly because it's all in the 'downstairs' toilet that gets cleaned out twice a day. I think that over rides the amount of Dettol that is used in it!
5) My car will have hardly been used by the time it reaches it's MOT. I am also saving in petrol money ( although that is probably not counterbalanced with the amount of money I have spent Internet shopping, it is addictive. However, this has made my E-bay star rating soar up. Positivity all the way!)
6) My friend Michelle pointed out that if I buy socks or some slippers, it will be Buy One Get One Free. Bargain! I also do not have to struggle into a pair of tights for 3 months. Yet again, saving money as I will not have to buy tights for a while.
7) I now have a comfortable En-suite and a downstairs toilet without any work or cost (The hospital delivered a commode the other day.) No longer do I have to perch on a bucket.
8) My broken foot has helped me discover new music. When Nick is at home, he often has the radio on in the background. To change the channel or switch it off, I would need to grow a serious pair of 'go-go-gadget' arms. As a result, I have been listening to loots of unfamiliar music and have discovered a very interesting Dutch Goth Rock band. Unfortunately, Nick constantly listens to Kerrang Radio so maybe the novelty will wear off soon.
9) I now have the phone number of the chippy across the road who have said that they will deliver any order I want, including a roast dinner. Life can not get better.
10) I have discovered how wonderful Nick, my friends and family are. I could not live with out the calls, messages, visits, Janey's delivery of pasties and, of course, Nick helping me with nearly everything.
Please send me any more positives that you can think of. Maybe life isn't quite as bad as it seems. And at least I have my dignity. Yes, it is floating around at the bottom of the commode, but it's still hanging on in there!
I am growing the BIGGEST arm and shoulder muscles out - I was thinking that I needed to get onto the upper body strength training this year - 7 weeks on crutches and ... wallah ... Gorilla shoulders.